Your body constantly sends signals about your health. Here are 8 common ones and how to act on them:

1. **Craving Sour Foods**: Could signal hormonal changes or liver/gallbladder stress. Add liver-friendly foods like leafy greens and citrus to your diet.

2. **Oral Bleeding**: Might be due to poor hygiene or a vitamin C deficiency. Boost your vitamin C with fruits like oranges and bell peppers.

3. **Sleeplessness and Cramping**: Could indicate a magnesium deficiency. Eat magnesium-rich foods like almonds and spinach, or try a magnesium bath soak.

4. **Craving Seafood**: Your body might need more protein or omega-3s. Try plant-based sources like chia seeds and walnuts.

5. **Craving Sugar**: Often a sign of too many processed foods. Replace sugary snacks with fruits or fiber-rich options like apples and almond butter.

6. **Craving Sodium**: May indicate inflammation or adrenal fatigue. Switch to healthier salts like pink Himalayan salt and hydrate more.

7. **Brittle Nails and Hair**: Often linked to nutrient deficiencies like B vitamins or biotin. Add eggs, nuts, and leafy greens to your diet.

8. **Persisting Dry Skin**: Could point to a vitamin E deficiency. Eat vitamin E-rich foods like avocados, almonds, and fish oil.

**Conclusion**: Listen to your bodyโ€™s signals and make small dietary changes to prevent bigger health issues. Stay proactive to maintain your well-being!

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