### Solving the Riddle: A Test of Wit

Riddles challenge our intellect, creativity, and ability to think outside the box. They celebrate our cognitive skills and offer a satisfying mental workout when solved.

One classic riddle asks:
**โ€œWhat word begins and ends with โ€˜E,โ€™ contains only one letter, yet is not the letter โ€˜Eโ€™ itself?โ€**

#### Breaking It Down:
1. **Starts and Ends with ‘E’:** This narrows the options to words with a specific structure.
2. **Contains Only One Letter:** At first glance, this seems paradoxical. However, interpreting “letter” as a *physical letter* (the kind you mail) offers a new perspective.
3. **Not the Letter โ€˜Eโ€™:** Rules out any direct association with the alphabetic letter โ€˜E.โ€™

#### The Solution:
The answer is **โ€œenvelope.โ€**
– It begins and ends with the letter โ€œE.โ€
– It contains one letter โ€” the letter it holds inside.
– It isnโ€™t the letter โ€œEโ€ itself.

This riddle showcases the joy of wordplay and the clever use of languageโ€™s dual meanings. It reminds us to embrace the unexpected, consider alternative interpretations, and delight in solving puzzles that challenge our thinking.

The next time you encounter a riddle, let curiosity guide you, and enjoy the thrill of uncovering hidden answers.

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