If you’re considering Sober October, here’s another great reason to commit: a simulation of what happens inside your body when you throw up has left viewers queasy just from watching.
The simulation, created by GutDR, shows the digestive system at work as your body expels its contents. Bright green liquid builds in the stomach, pushed upward by the contracting diaphragm and abdominal muscles, with signals from the vagus and splanchnic nerves guiding the process.
Vomiting begins when your brain’s chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) detects a threat, like excess alcohol or a stomach upset. This triggers extra saliva to protect your teeth, a contracting diaphragm to pressurize the stomach, and your glottis to seal the airway. Your abdominal muscles then intensify the pressure, forcing the contents out.
The simulation—and its detailed breakdown—left social media users feeling nauseous, with one tweeting, “I could’ve gone without knowing this.”
So, skipping that extra drink? Definitely worth considering.
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