Officer Ryan Tillman, a beloved school resource officer at Don Lugo High School in California, found a memorable way to say goodbye before leaving for a promotion to Chino Police Corporal.

Instead of a typical farewell, Tillman surprised students with a dance performance during a school assembly. Collaborating with the principal and dance team, he joined them on stage, starting with Lil Mamaโ€™s โ€œLip Glossโ€ and transitioning to MC Hammerโ€™s โ€œU Canโ€™t Touch This,โ€ nailing iconic 90s dance moves.

The students erupted in cheers as Tillman showcased his moves, even performing in full uniform. His goal was to thank the school community and โ€œshine a positive lightโ€ on police officers.

Tillman, who founded Breaking Barriers United to improve community relations, said he wanted to leave a lasting impression. His farewell dance has since gone viral, earning praise from viewers who admire his dedication to connecting with the community.

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