Carol Acosta, known online as Killadamente, tragically passed away at 27 after reportedly choking while dining in New York. With over six million Instagram followers, the influencer and mother of two was beloved for her vibrant personality.

While having dinner in Manhattan on January 4, Carol began choking and experienced breathing difficulties. She was rushed to the hospital but sadly couldnโ€™t be saved. A cousin revealed that the family is awaiting post-mortem results to confirm the cause of de ath.

Her sister, Khatyan, shared the heartbreaking news on Instagram: โ€œI love you, sister. Rest in peace.โ€ In an emotional video, she thanked fans for their support, both now and during Carolโ€™s life.

A GoFundMe has been launched to help cover funeral costs and support her family. The fundraiser describes Carol as someone who touched thousands of lives and asks for contributions to honor her memory.

Fans have flooded social media with tributes, expressing shock and sadness: โ€œThank you for being you, queen. RlP.โ€

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